Friday, July 20, 2012

CIOs and system administrators being two places at once

 More than ever CIOs and system administrators alike are being pulled in two separate directions, both equally important. In one direction the development of increasingly flexible and robust systems requires an increasing amount of time to research and provision, leveraging the largest advantage in the marketplace. On the other hand there is a real need to bring intelligence to business operations, improving and streamlining existing infrastructure. The people who plan well will involve experience and obtained actionable insight into the process of progress, this too takes time.
Even though it sounds straight forward enough, the experienced IT professional can tell you, doing both these things at once can feel a lot like changing shoes during a marathon.
Starting off on the right foot              
 We asked 300 of our clients at random if they ever purchased a solution which was explained as “difficult to install, troublesome to maintain and expensive to upgrade” guess how many said yes. Solutions are sold just as that, an end to or improvement over a less than perfect current system. In reality heterogeneous infrastructure provides no end to obstacles and dead ends when it comes time to install the would-be wonder product. Yet despite the hazards of progress, and the many ways to overcome them, one thing can be agreed on, the right person for the job is always the right choice.

Our Answer               
    Just imagine, someone who wants to do exactly what you need done, someone who has installed that piece of hardware over a thousand times, knows that certain software inside and out and is waiting to help your team make it all come together. Our team of highly trained, certified and field tested technicians will help you provision, install and setup your environment. By following the right process from the beginning we avoid the common pitfalls of implementation and allow for the smooth integration every IT purchase should end with. This allows for the ongoing maintenance of your infrastructure without the loss of time configuring solutions onsite.
Whether you need an advanced solution which you receive preconfigured and ready to plug in right out of the box, or onsite assistance with integration, we will always be able to make sure that the solution stays a solution and doesn’t turn into an obstacle.

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