Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Future of IT: Renaissance or Revolt? Robert DeFazio July 31, 2012

It has been asked if IT needs to break out of the mold that has enveloped it. In order to move beyond its stepchild role of tending to the messy details of data management and to come into its own right as a new game changing force that is no longer managed by bean-counting CFOs, it has been suggested that it must evolve. The hierarchies of database administrators, application managers, and the like must fade away and yield to the brave new world of big data, analytics, and ubiquitous information, all managed by a flatter organization structure – in short, to go where no man has gone before.
In many ways I agree with the spirit of assertion, but I disagree with it in one very fundamental way, namely that IT suffers from being a corporate fiefdom in which the urge to control impedes overall business profitability. One area is in charge of security, another area is in charge of databases, another oversees change management, and yet another is in responsible for application implementation. The list goes on and on and is as long as there are discreet areas of specialization. While IT personnel tend to be more willing to collaborate than perhaps other kinds of business people, the collaboration is hamstrung by the processes that are erected to produce plausible deniability in the event of an error that impacts other areas of business. IT people, perhaps more than any other kind of enterprise employee – except for lawyers –, have a great fondness for paper trails that authorize them to take actions at the behest of another. The end result is that while the business leaders of a company might spend many hours of time spread out over several months before reaching a decision that impacts operations, IT’s involvement may well extend beyond a year or more for implementation, and that almost always calcifies an organization.
If implementation takes such a long time and incurs the attendant heavy costs for so doing, it makes business leaders less prone to respond quickly to basic changes in the market for what it produces. They argue that changes need to be batched so that the scope of work is big enough to justify the expense of the life cycle of software development to a board of directors and shareholders. While not always the primary reason, this is certainly one of the main reasons that very large companies succumb to small startups whose wedding to the IT undercarriage of their businesses is not yet a done deal.
One of the bigger problems that is created by both the business and IT arms of an enterprise is the disparity of applications that end up being selected to accomplish the goals of the company. Often those applications don’t talk to each other unless they are forced to do so using multiple kludges consisting of the IT equivalents of chewing gum and bits of string. One system exports a comma-delimited text file to a directory from which another system picks it up. There is no real interactivity and certainly no real chance of gracefully handling data consistency errors. End users assume that the screens that they see represent the company gospel, but only the IT people know just how uncertain and how poorly understood the entire process is. Errors creep in via the most unexpected ways and are often undetected for months or even years simply because each corporate department functions like the silos one sees on a Midwestern farm: corn in one silo, wheat in another, and nary the twain shall meet. As a test of the verity of this situation, try listening in on a discussion between a programmer and an accountant as each geek-speaks at the other and denies that there is any possibility of doing things any other way than that currently in use.

At the root of the problem is the way that IT is still done, even in this age of object orientation, RAD, and AGILE project management. The tools used to develop software are, to be quite kind, clumsy and intentionally so. Why? It is because the makers of software development tools market their products either to developers or to developers who have been promoted upward to management. Software developers, at least all the ones that I know and without exception, regard themselves as artisans who produce elegant, efficient code and not as robots that spew out hundreds of thousands of lines of code. Their interest is in having the flexibility to produce code that gets the job done and which also has a certain “zing” that allows them to put their mark on the final product. This code craftsmanship would be wonderful if businesses did not find that they have to reinvent themselves every five years or so. Because the tools are what they are, it is often necessary to engage more high-end talent for the task than would be sought for a similar sized task in any other area of business. This provides a strong inducement to hire contractors who are there solely for the project. Since they are not likely to become employees and thus part of the human pool of knowledge with respect to developed applications, a great emphasis is usually devoted toward the production of documentation.
There are few developers who thrive when instructed to write documentation. Generally, they don’t like to do it, and when they are able to offload the task to one or more technical writers, even then they dislike having to educate the writer about all the messy details that went into the production of the end product. The consequence of this is that the produced documentation tends to be inadequate to educate the next contractor who will be called in to fix the application when it fails. The customary documentation contains an overview of the project; a checklist for the setup of the database and application; a database diagram; a list of stored procedures with their parameters, data types, and output; a description of security features; and so forth. Unfortunately, this is not all that helpful. What is really useful for subsequent techs that come along later to support the application is a process map that describes:

1.            How the various reports and lists that end users consume are produced from start to finish,
2.            What stored procedures are used in each function of an application,
3.            Which stored procedures are dependencies of other stored procedures,
4.            What automated processes are scheduled by the IT department that are essential to the proper       operation of the application,
5.            When those automated processes run, and
6.            What other systems consume data or add data to the database for the application.

Few technical writers or programmers include such information in the total documentation package because it is so tedious to produce, and yet it is precisely the kind of information that allows a contractor to “cut to the chase” when an urgent issue must be addressed. Absent this information, the engagement of an outside contractor tends to be much longer than would be necessary if such information were available.
Should IT become an ascendant business force within the organization that allows it to step outside of the financial controller’s managerial domain? I contend that IT has a long way to go before it becomes qualified for such a promotion. At the moment, it is too much in love with insular management practices that many on the operations and marketing side of business have long ago abandoned. Even the venerable IBM, which one would suspect would be the paradigm of an ascendant IT mentality, has placed limits on such thinking. When it found in the 1980s that its ability to get more business was being hampered by a glacial credit approval process, the first impulse was to automate what already existed. Two very wise business managers sensed that this was putting the cart before the horse since determining what was the actual obstacle to streamlining this critical step in gaining more business had not yet been done. They decided to walk a credit application through the process, going from desk to desk, and found that automation would only have saved a few minutes of time out of what was taking in some cases several months. The solution that finally worked and which reduced the process down to a matter of a few hours was one that involved changing business processes and elevating the permissibility of its employees to make decisions. Yes, automation was ultimately done to reflect this transformational approach to business processes, but the automation came after the fact, not before it.
The changes to IT that are needed to make its work product more useable is to produce development tools that end users can employ directly. To a limited degree, we can see this now in the form of ad hoc report generators and products like Microsoft Office, but this needs to go much further. It should be possible for an end user to describe what information he wants to collect, store, and reproduce; to draw a process using drag and drop tools that portray the collection, storage, and reporting processes; to click a button to have it created for him; and to enable him to edit the results by changing the screen positions of created elements and by applying levels of security. There are some tools that can do part of this now, but there is no tool that is designed for the end user that will produce bulletproof, hardened code that works easily and reliably.
The production of such a tool would idle many programmers, but like factory workers of a century ago whose time has come and gone, the same kind of sunset needs to be foreseen as a necessary part of the life cycle of IT workforces. In such a scenario, there would be no need for an evangelist from the IT department to woo and to lead the business users to a higher plane of greater business efficiency, largely because achieving it as an end user would be so facile. The purpose of IT would be largely that of preserving the safety of stored data, providing advice with respect to some of the finer points of using such tools, and educating users about new products. In short, IT would still tend to be a glass ceiling occupation for many within its ranks.

IT employees often find themselves uttering, like Rodney Dangerfield, “I don’t get no respect.” The way to address this imposed inferiority complex is to invent a better mousetrap than the kind that now exists. Smart people in IT need to stop taking comfort in the ways they have always done things and to start having the discomfort of treading into new territory that can conceivably yield a solution to business’ conundrum of needing to automate but not daring to do so because of the expense.
To be sure, a clever programmer who succeeds in creating very high quality end user tools will paradoxically make his own tenure less predictable due to a reduced need for people just like himself, but it is going to come eventually. It cannot be avoided. Just as Detroit was dragged, kicking and screaming, from producing land yachts with fins, lots of chrome, and massive engines, so IT will likely have to be dragged from its comfort zone to a new place in which it excises the vestiges of manually implemented, imperious digital resource control and replaces them with smart tools and processes that are so reliable that most will regard them as nothing more than process appliances that any employee could use.
Robert DeFazio is president at Calabria Consulting. He can be reached at
The opinions expressed herein or statements made in the above column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of WTN Media LLC.

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